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Showing posts from December 3, 2017

Time to go home

I think I get to go home today. I say I "think" because most of the medical teams have thought I'd be able to. I don't have the final word yet, though                                                                                                                                . I'm quite a bit weaker this time than the time I was discharged. It's taking me a whole lot longer to write this post, because I keep making spelling and grammar errors, and going back and correcting them. I don't know if that's a function of my brain or my small motor skills, but either way it's a pain in the butt. On the up-side, my iPhone recognizes my thumb print again. I don't know how chemo screwed that up. Alison pointed me in a direction of an article about this very thing. I guess it happens to other people. But to me there was nothing different looking or feeling about my finger tips. Weird. I should put this on the list of things to ask the doctors before I