I hope you all had a lovely New Year's celebration. Not a lot happened round my way, but David spiced things up by participating in the Polar Plunge at the Boulder Reservoir. I don't know who started this trend of running into freezing cold water to ring in the new year, but I'm not surprised. People will stand in line and pay lots of money to do all kinds of weird things. Brent and David and I all went to the plunge on New Year's Day. There was a decent crowd gathered, with a warming tent where beer and pizza were being served. The crowd was divided into teams and individuals, and each entered the water in order of money raised for the cause (the cause being the American Cancer Society). Some of the teams wore matching outfits, like the guys in the speedos and bowties. The time came for the plungers to get in the water, and for the most part this involved bodies running full tilt into the water, flailing and splashing, sometimes high-fiving the rescue swimmers, then...