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Showing posts from April 22, 2018

Sarah Lobser - January 23rd 1980 - April 26th 2018

This is a link to a shared photo gallery, please add your own! Sarah Lobser passed away peacefully in the evening surrounded by friends and loved ones after a multi-day celebration with many happy moments. Her sense of humor shone through to the very end and her life and spirit will continue to be an inspiration. Sarah gave us the gift of bringing all of us together. All of your comments on this blog kept her spirits up through this long, difficult time. If you are so inclined to help others in need, please sign up to be a bone marrow donor or donate to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and of course, add your photos to the shared gallery. Much Love, The Lobsers

A Nearly Final Farewell from Sarah's Parents

Dear Friends - We are deeply saddened that Sarah has entered the ending chapter of her battle with this horrific cancer. The medical experts expect only days left to live. It would really lift her spirits to read about memories you've shared with her and any other comments that you would like to offer. We look forward to hearing from you very soon, and we will read all comments out loud to her. Sarah is doing her best to be her usual spirited self in spite of these difficult times. We are grateful for everyone who has been a part of her remarkable life. Sarah's Mom and Dad